DARLINGSIDE – Music Friday

MUSIC FRIDAY – Enjoy the unique sound of this New England-based alternative melodic string-rock quintet. I actually just made up that classification but it fits! Airy cello and violin lines meet tight harmonies and “rootsy” acoustic rhythm when these guys get going! Cellist/guitarist/vocalist Harris Paseltiner chats by phone from the road, where Darlingside has spent the bulk of 2010 and 2011 spreading the vibe organically and independently! Recent winners at PickTheBand.com, they’ll be on SXSW’s Stage on Sixth later this month!
Band Website On Facebook PickTheBand

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2 Responses to DARLINGSIDE – Music Friday

  1. Cleve says:

    I have to say that your interview of Harris of Darlingside provided wonderful insights and met many personal learning goals. Your very thoughtful questions followed by very articulate responses by Harris refreshed me! (In the interests of honesty and full-disclosure I am a band parent.) I’m not a musician but an aging music-lover with about 50 years of experience. I have followed Darlingside, and loved their music and thinking from the start. Your interview of Harris gave me new views into what’s happening in the band and why it gets better and better. Thanks for a great interview and insightful appreciation!

  2. Pingback: Bill Murphy Show Interview

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